Located in the field there is now:-
A Community Orchard comprising of over 40 trees which include apple, pear, plum, cherry & 1 peach.
A Hazel Nuttery in its infancy with about 20 trees near the orchard and a further 30 trees located around the field.
2 Jubilee Oaks, one large and one small.
Numerous trees planted around the perimeter of the field & a copse planted in the middle.
A short woodland walk where, in season, the following plants can be observed, bluebells, wild garlic, snowdrops, wood anemone, lords and ladies, muscari (grape hyacinth), forget me not, daffodils, primrose, celandine, wild violets, a spindle tree and numerous other woodland plants and flowers.
There are a number of bird boxes on trees around the field.
Four lovingly crafted benches for relaxation.
Several large plantings of wildflowers which will feed many insects..
A reasonable area of the field is left unmown to encourage insects, grasshoppers, butterflies, spiders etc. and small mammals, hedgehogs, voles, mice, shrews, etc which in turn will feed birds of prey (e.g. owls), foxes and others. Not easy to know exactly what mammals we have unless a thorough survey is undertaken.
We have a regular colony of moles.